Speaker: 林敏雄教授 (國立成功大學數學系)
Title: Optimization Algorithms for Quantifying Entanglement
Gauging the distance between a mixed state and its nearest separable state is critical but challenging in the quantum mechanical system. In this talk, we include theories and algorithms for quantifying entanglement. Particularly, we discuss a dynamical system approach to quantify
entangled bipartite systems, which has several advantages, including 1) A gradient dynamics in the complex space can be described in a reasonably concise way; 2) The global convergence from any starting point to a local solution is guaranteed; 3) The requirement that the combination coefficients of pure states must be a probability distribution can be ensured; 4) The rank can be dynamically adjusted.
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Time: 13:40-15:00
Venue: M212