Automorphic forms for unitary groups and analytic torsions of Eisenstein K3 surfaces
時 間:2024-03-15 13:30 (星期五) / 地 點:M310
For Eisenstein K3 surfaces, we construct invariants using equivariant
analytic torsions. The invariants give rise to automorphic forms on the coarse moduli spaces of Eisenstein K3 surfaces, which are complex ball quotients. As applications, we obtain reflective modular forms on some complex ball quotients, and we show that some of the moduli spaces of Eisenstein K3 surfaces are quasi-affine. This is joint work with Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa.

Speaker: Prof. Shu Kawaguchi (Doshisha University)
Title : Automorphic forms for unitary groups and analytic torsions of Eisenstein K3 surfaces
Time : 13:30 p.m., March 15, 2024
Place : M310, Math. Dept., National Taiwan Normal University
Coordinators : Professor Jing Yu (NTU)
Professor Hua-Chieh Li (NTNU)
Professor Liang-Chung Hsia (NTNU)