Signed graphs as a tool for studying linear and nonlinear graph eigenvalue problems
時 間:2023-12-29 9:15 (星期五) / 地 點:Online
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劉世平 教授
A signed graph is a graph whose edges are labelled by a signature. It serves as a simple model of discrete vector bundles. We will survey the application of this structure in the study of linear and nonlinear spectral graph theory. The topics include discrete nodal domain theorems, eigenvalue estimates via vertex/edge isoperimetric constants, etc. This talk is based on joint works with Chuanyuan Ge and Dong Zhang, and with Chunyang Hu.
Chang, Shu-Cheng
Kuo, Ting-Jung
Lin, Chun-Chi

Cirriculum Vitae:
劉世平,中國科學技術大學教授,博士生導師。2012年于德國萊比錫馬普數學所和萊比錫大學獲博士學位。 2013年到2016年在英國杜倫大學任研究助理。2016年至今在中國科學技術大學工作。目前主要研究圖上的幾何分析問題,特別是譜圖理論,離散曲率等。成果發表於Adv. Math.、J. Reine Angew. Math.、Math. Ann.、 Calc. Var. PDE等期刊。