Minimal Legendrian Graph in S²×S³ and The Smale Conjecture
時 間:2023-10-18 14:00 (星期三) / 地 點:Online
Zoom: 811 5638 1768 (Password : msrc)
張樹城 教授
(National Taiwan University)
In this talk, we will address recent results for the Smale conjecture on a Sasakian 3-sphere via the Legendrian mean curvature flow. More precisely, we deform the area-preserving contactomorphism (symplectomorphism) of Sasakian 3-spheres via the Legendrian mean curvature flow. By using the monotonicity formula and blow-up analysis, we obtain the minimal Legendrian graph in S²×S³. Finally, we will address the rigidity theorem of 2-dimensional Legendrian self-shrinkers which lifting as a Harvey-Lawson cone in C³.
This is a jointed work with Chin-Tung Wu and Liuyang Zhang.
Chang, Shu-Cheng
Kuo, Ting-Jung
Lin, Chun-Chi