[系所公告] [招生訊息] 法國雷恩國立應用科技學院秋季交換生申請開始 Application for Fall 2021/academic year 2021-22- INSA Rennes, France Exchange Program has begun

by 陳韋縉 | 2021-03-02 15:31:28

本系姊妹校法國雷恩國立應用科技學院(INSA Rennes)110學秋季班交換生已開始申請。相關資訊與該校提供之申請表格詳參附件。有意願參加者,請填具申請表格,並連同語言能力證明與防疫證明等相關文件,於2021年4月8日前回傳至ptm105_9467@ntnu.edu.tw。

Application for Fall 2021/academic year 2021-22- INSA Rennes, France Exchange Program has begun. Enclosed attachments are the syllabus information and application form. Students interested in applying please fill in the application form, and send it alongside certifications for personal language abilities and health conditions to ptm105_9467@ntnu.edu.tw before 8th, Apr., 2021.


Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2021/03/02/110rennesapplication/