For graduate programs, the aims of the Master and PhD programs of our department are to train researchers in mathematics and mathematics education, and also to train mathematics professors and lectures for universities. Those who graduate from our Master or PhD programs focus their careers in research and teaching. Due to the fact that some graduate students took courses in mathematics education in undergraduate years, they would like to go into the domain of mathematics education research. Therefore, this department was separated into mathematics section and mathematics education section since 1993, so those who want to work in mathematics education may do so. To help students in their future research and occupations, courses in our graduate programs are separated into two groups: mathematics and mathematics education. In mathematics section, courses are divided into four domains: analysis, algebra, geometry and applied mathematrics. With the domain of mathematics education, courses of the whole department are divided into a total of five domains. The domain of applied mathematics is further subdivided into five subdomains, which are differential equations, probability and statistics, computer, combinatorics and discrete mathematics, and finally optimization theory. The courses in mathematics education can also be roughly categorized in two types: mathematrics education and history of mathematics.
Besides delving into the research domain for their dissertations, this department also requires students to take at least six credits of courses that belong to another domain. When choosing which courses for professors to teach, we try to provide basic courses in each year, and for other selective course the lectures are provided according students’ needs. The way to do it is to let professors of the graduate programs to fill a form about which courses they want to teach. According the regulations of the university and the department, those students who have exceptional performances can apply to be directly accepted into the PhD program in their first year of the Master’s program.