Apply Master/Doctoral Final Defense for 2020 Fall Semester

Apply Master/Doctoral Final Defense for 2020 Fall Semester

  1. 研究生申請時間 When to Apply:
    Apply by 20th December if you expect to graduate in January.
  2. 請線上登記基本資料   Please fill out the form below
  3. 請至 下載專區 下載相關申請文件並於11月20日之前將紙本文件交至數學館M110
    Please submit the documents to M110 by 20th Nov.


  1. 申請口試前,請先自評是否修畢必修學分與畢業學分,日間部碩士生須符合跨領域要求。
    Please make sure that you meet the Course Requirements.
  2. 105學年度(含)之後入學者須具有學術研究倫理教育研習修課證明始能畢業。
    Those, who enrolled since 2016, must obtain Academic Research Ethics Certificate.


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