[NTNU MATH-CAG-MSRC Jointed Seminar on Geometric Analysis] 【03月13日】朱錦天/Width estimate and doubly warped product

by 温湘婷 | 2024-03-12 14:17:54

Width estimate and doubly warped product

時 間:2024-03-13 10:00 (星期三) / 地 點:Online

Zoom: 811 5638 1768 (Password : msrc)

朱錦天 特聘研究員

In this talk, I will introduce Gromov’s torical band widthestimate for positive scalar curvature. In the setting of positive sectionalcurvature, Gromov conjectured that the 3-dimensional torical band widthestimate can be improved and it is characterized by the doubly warpedproduct model for standard round 3-sphere. We will present a proof basedon the u-bubble method.


Chang, Shu-Cheng
Kuo, Ting-Jung
Lin, Chun-Chi

Cirriculum Vitae:

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2024/03/12/1130313speech/