[NTNU MATH-CAG-MSRC Jointed Seminar on Geometric Analysis] 【03月06日】張樹城/Bernstein-Type Theorem for Entire Minimal Graph of Higher Codimensions

by 温湘婷 | 2024-02-29 10:56:30

Bernstein-Type Theorem for Entire Minimal Graph of Higher Codimensions

時 間:2024-03-06 15:00 (星期三)

地 點:M212



張樹城 教授
(MSRC at CQUT and National Taiwan University)

We will talk about the structure theory for entire minimal graph of higher codimensions. In particular, we will focus on the Bernstein-type theorem for special Lagrangian and special Legendrian graphs.

Chang, Shu-Cheng (NTU)
Kuo, Ting-Jung (NTNU)
Lin, Chun-Chi (NTNU)

Speaker:   張樹城  教授  

(MSRC at CQUT and National Taiwan University)

Title  :  Bernstein-Type Theorem for Entire Minimal Graph of Higher Codimensions

Time  :   15:00 p.m.,  March 06, 2024

Place :   M212, Math. Dept., National Taiwan Normal University

Coordinators :   Professor Shu-Cheng Chang(NTU)

                            Professor Ting-Jung Kuo(NTNU)

          Professor Chun-Chi Lin(NTNU)

  1. meet.google.com/nat-cttm-umb: http://meet.google.com/nat-cttm-umb

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2024/02/29/1130306speech/