[NTNU MATH-CAG-MSRC Jointed Seminar on Geometric Analysis] 【11月29日】陳佳蕊/No breathers theorems for noncompact harmonic Ricci flows

by 温湘婷 | 2023-11-27 16:11:14

No breathers theorems for noncompact harmonic Ricci flows

時 間:2023-11-29 14:00 (星期三) / 地 點:Online

Zoom: 811 5638 1768 (Password : msrc)

陳佳蕊 博士

Breathers can be regards as periodic solutions of the harmonic Ricci flow modulo diffeomorphisms and scalings, no breathers theorems means that the periodic solutions must be static. In this talk we will introduce the no breathers theorem under the condition of asymptotically nonnegative Ricci curvature and the no shrinking breathers theorem under the condition that the generalized Ricci curvature has a lower bound for noncompact harmonic Ricci flow.


Chang, Shu-Cheng
Kuo, Ting-Jung
Lin, Chun-Chi

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2023/11/27/1121129speech/