[NTNU Number Theory Seminar] 【03月17日】Kuei-Nuan Lin / Applications of Blowup Algebras

by 許書豪 | 2023-03-08 17:05:57

Applications of Blowup Algebras

Time:13:30 p.m., March 17, 2023 / Place:M310

Kuei-Nuan Lin
(The Penn State University)

In this talk, we will define what is a blowup algebra. We will see all kind of applications of blow up algebras including chemical reaction network, geometry modeling, and permutation statistics. We will see that this topic has many wide open questions.

Speaker:  Kuei-Nuan Lin (The Penn State University)

Title :    Applications of Blowup Algebras

In this talk, we will define what is a blowup algebra. We will see all kind of applications of blow up algebras including chemical reaction network, geometry modeling, and permutation statistics. We will see that this topic has many wide open questions. 

Time :         13:30 p.m.,  March 17, 2023

Place :        M 310, Math. Dept., National Taiwan Normal University

Coordinators :      Professor Jing Yu (NTU)
                              Professor Hua-Chieh Li (NTNU)
            Professor Liang-Chung Hsia (NTNU)

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2023/03/08/ntnu-number-theory-seminar-20230317/