[理學院專題演講] 【01月03日】Adrian Petrusel / Fixed point theory for a special class of monotone orbital contractions in Hilbert spaces

by 許書豪 | 2022-12-19 08:39:17

Fixed point theory for a special class of monotone orbital contractions in Hilbert spaces

Time:15:00-16:00, January 3, 2023 / Place:M212

Adrian Petrusel
(Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

Let H be a Hilbert space and T be a self monotone type operator on H. Under an appropriate condition, involving the Krasnoselskii operator generated by T (given by the convex combination of x and T(x)), we will prove a fixed point theorem for T, which generalize and complement several results in the theory of nonlinear operators. Some stability results are also proved and open questions are pointed out.

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2022/12/19/20230103-speech/