[系所公告] 敬請填寫教學助理評鑑問卷(NTNU Depart. of Math. Teaching Assistant Evaluation )

by 李勁緯 | 2022-05-23 16:05:01


In response to the NTNU’s epidemic policy, all courses have been taught remotely, and it is expected that the evaluation of teaching assistants at the end of the semester will be changed to an online form.

表單開放填寫日期Form opening date:2022.5.23-2022.6.17


  • 數學系課程表單連結:https://forms.gle/1MdPLoCLbdjj2i7u8[1]
  • 微積分乙表單連結:https://forms.gle/1H55NGqdhVfBdrj36[2]
  • Link to the English version of the form:https://forms.gle/B9y4Dktqk51Daxxq5[3]
  1. https://forms.gle/1MdPLoCLbdjj2i7u8: https://forms.gle/1MdPLoCLbdjj2i7u8
  2. https://forms.gle/1H55NGqdhVfBdrj36: https://forms.gle/1H55NGqdhVfBdrj36
  3. https://forms.gle/B9y4Dktqk51Daxxq5: https://forms.gle/B9y4Dktqk51Daxxq5

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2022/05/23/1110523-10132451/