[專題演講]【5月27日】國立中央大學數學系 楊肅煜教授

by 朱啓台 | 2022-05-23 15:40:39

Speaker: 楊肅煜教授 (國立中央大學數學系)

Title: A Mini-Course on Mathematical Image Processing

Lecture 3: Image contrast enhancement, part I

In this lecture, we will introduce some techniques for contrast enhancement:

(1) Histogram equalization (HE);
(2) Automatic color equalization (ACE);
(3) Simplest color balance (SCB).

Lecture 4: Image contrast enhancement, part II

In this lecture, we will introduce some variational models for contrast
(1) Variational models of Morel-Petro-Sbert;
(2) An adaptive variational model of Hsieh-Shao-Yang.

Date: Friday, May 27, 2022

Time: 13:20-16:20

Venue: 線上


  1. https://meet.google.com/ceg-xhxi-mde: https://meet.google.com/ceg-xhxi-mde

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2022/05/23/1-153-4-2/