[專題演講] 【11月26日】Hongming Nie / p-adic Julia sets and geometrically finite rational maps

by 許書豪 | 2021-11-19 14:50:37

Speaker:Hongming Nie[1]
Job title:Stony Brook University
Title : p-adic Julia sets and geometrically finite rational maps

A rational map defined over a finite extension K of the p-adic field Q_p induces dynamical systems on the projective spaces over K and over C_p, respectively, which gives two Julia sets (the non-equicontinunity regions in the projective spaces): the K-Julia set and the C_p-Julia set. In this talk, I will show that the K-Julia set is a natural restriction of the C_p-Julia set under some natural conditions. If time permits, I will talk about the dynamics on the K-Julia set for geometrically finite rational maps. This is a joint work with Fan, Liao and Wang.

Time: Nov. 26 (Fri.), 13:30 p.m., 2021
Place: This talk is given online. The following is the link of this talk.



  1. Hongming Nie: https://sites.google.com/view/hmnie/home

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2021/11/19/001-47/