by 許書豪 | 2021-09-10 14:08:13
Job title:師大數學系
Title:Dehn twist and monodromy in symplectic geometry
Abstract:Seidel in his paper [1] shows that the monodromy around a critical point of a Lefschetz fibration of an exact symplectic manifold is isotopic to the Dhen twist along a Lagrangian sphere. We follow his approach [2] to study the Dehn twist operation on Lagrangian submanifolds in the suspension of a symplectic manifold. The goal is to show that its categorical version is compatible with mirror symmetry and the mutation operation of sheaves.
[1] P. Seidel, long exact sequence of symplectic Floer homology
[2] P. Seidel, Fukaya categories and Picard Lefschetz theory
Time:Nov. 10 (Wed.), 2:00 p.m., 2021
Place:Room 212, Department of Mathematics, NTNU
Tea Time:Nov. 10 (Wed.), 1:30 p.m., 2021
Tea Place:Room 104, Department of Mathematics, NTNU
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