[Talk] 【7 April】Playing with Electricity and Magnetism

by 沈希諴 | 2021-03-29 12:47:28

Playing with Electricity and Magnetism

Date&Time :2021-04-07 14:00 (Wed.)     /    Venue:M212     / 茶 會:M107 (13:30)

Prof. Daniel Spector 司靈得教授
(Okinana Institute of Sciences and Technology (Japan))
Did you play with magnets as a kid? Did you want to play with electricity but your parents said no? Come and watch me play with both as I talk about two important contributors to theunderstanding of these phenomena. If there is time I will also discuss some estimates I have recently obtained which can be applied to the equations governing them.
Prof. Spector’s Research Interests:Calculus of Variations、Harmonic Analysis、Partial Differential Equations、Geometric Measure Theory

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2021/03/29/speech20210324-2-2/