[專題演講] 【3月24日】Recent Developments of Computational Conformal Geometry

by 沈希諴 | 2021-03-16 09:38:28

Recent Developments of Computational Conformal Geometry

時 間:2021-03-24 14:00 (星期三) / 地 點:M212 / 茶 會:M107 (13:30)

樂美亨 助理教授 Prof. Yueh, Mei-Heng
(台灣師範大學數學系Depart. of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University)
摘要:Computational conformal geometry is an algorithmic study of conformal geometry, which has been known useful in varieties of engineering fields such as computer graphics and medical imaging. The computation of surface parameterizations is one of the core issues, which aims to efficiently compute a diffeomorphism between a surface and a canonical domain. The mapping provides an atlas of the surface, which can be applied to simplify 3D image processing tasks, such as surface fusion, registration, remeshing, and texture mapping. In this talk, I will introduce recent developments of computational algorithms for parameterizations of surfaces and 3-manifolds and applications to computer graphics and medical imaging.

Source URL: https://virtual.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2021/03/16/speech20210324/